Monday, May 4, 2015

Altered Book

The idea of combining biology and technology is awesome. I had actually wondered if there was a way to "eat" something and change the smell of your body odor. I knew there were some things that people would eat and the smell would emit through their skin. The combination of technology and the human body is an amazing thing and I believe it is the way of the future.

I'm not against combining media arts with your body either. I support it. New ways of creating as well as new creations are evolving everyday. I embrace it.

The transformation of this book into something that represents me has been a wonderful experience. It allowed me to really have a self analysis session.  This entire journey in this class has been a therapeutic journey.

What is identity of self in the digital world?
I originally did not really think about "identity of self" prior to this class. But this class made me realize there is so much more to who I am, than what I have actually shown. And, I have an idea of how to identify my self within my digital art. There is a deepness that has been missing from my work. I've tapped into that now, and will actually incorporate ME into my digital works from now on.

All the exercises / assignments in this class helped me to get to know some of the deepest parts of me - parts of me that I knew existed, but gave no special attention to. This book project really helped me to identify those "parts" and allowed me time to have some introspective thinking - in an effort to heal myself, strengthen myself, and praise myself. It was much needed. It may not seem like much to someone else, but this altered book project was really enlightening.

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